Sunday, March 30, 2008

Labor...or so we thought!

I awoke Friday at 2:30 AM with sweats, contractions, and intestinal cramps. After laying there for nearly two hours with worsening contractions, I decided to wake David up who insisted on timing the contractions for 30 minutes as instructed by my doctor. After having 6 long and hard contractions in 30 minutes, I decided to get up and get things ready to leave for the hospital and do some last minute cleaning. Surprisingly enough, the contractions weren't getting any worse once I started moving around as I thought they should have to be in true labor. Bummer! All day on Friday, I had strong contractions, but they weren't consistent enough to go to the hospital. So here we are, still waiting for this little one to arrive! I know, I know, I still have 2 1/2 weeks to go until my estimated due date, but I'm very anxious to meet our new little bundle of joy! (Not to mention, I've been at 2 cm and over 50% effaced since March 20th! I thought for sure I'd have this baby by now! Oh well, it's all in His perfect timing!)

I'll keep you posted with any new happenings!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter 2008

Our baskets

He insisted on putting on his own shades!

Caleb and Mammy (Grandma Lashomb)

Rolling around and being silly at Mammy's house

Our little man at Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter dinner

Playing with his new favorite toy

Relaxing after a filling dinner of crackers and biscuits (that's all he would eat!)

Our little family

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Caleb has always been a ham, but every time we would get the camera out, he would stop whatever cute thing he was doing...until recently. Now, he will take me over to where our camera is located, put on his "cutesy face" and point while saying "ah ah ah" until I pick up the camera and take his picture. He just loves having his picture taken and even poses for each one! Here are the latest!

"I just love having my picture taken!"

"I'm ready to be pulled around, Mom!"

"What's next on our To-Do list?"


"Is this a big enough smile?!"