Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Please Pray...

God is so good! He is slowly bringing my broken family back together, He is opening eyes that have needed to be opened for awhile, He is healing broken hearts and past hurts, and He is giving peace to those who are seeking it! The situation that God is using to do all of this is a very difficult one, but I know that He is with us every step of the way as evident with the miracles happening before my very eyes. Please pray for my family...especially for my dad.

Dear God, I thank You for all the miraculous changes that are happening in my family. I thank You for the time You have given us to spend together. I pray that You would continue to work in our lives and bring us closer together. I pray that You would give my dad the strength and inner-peace he needs to fight this battle he is suffering from, and I pray that You would heal him before our very eyes according to Your Holy Will. Thank you, Lord.