Tuesday, November 27, 2007

20 Weeks and Counting! (with picture!)

I can't believe how fast this second pregnancy is flying by! I'm 20 weeks along today and it hardly seems possible! This is my most favorite part of being pregnant because now David can share in my positive pregnancy experiences rather than holding my hair as I'm vomiting over the toilet or bringing me in a cold wet washcloth for my forehead. (Yes, he's definitely a sweetheart!). For the past couple of weeks I've been feeling the baby move all over and just this past Saturday, David was even able to feel the movements as well. I have a feeling this new baby will be just as active as Caleb by how often I'm feeling movement. Between the two of them, I think I'll definitely have my hands full!

I'm feeling great at this point and diaper changes are even bearable now, which is a huge plus! The only thing is that I'm having terrible pregnancy cravings...chocolate and gummy peach rings! (No, not at the same time!) I love being able to eat just about anything, whereas in the beginning nothing seemed to settle very well in my tummy! Things are going really well and I'm very thankful and excited as we rapidly approach our newest little one's arrival!

Picture taken on 12/9/07- 21w5d

Monday, November 19, 2007


Over the weekend, I learned one of the most difficult aspects of parenting is trying to comfort your baby who has been hit with multiple whammies all at once. My poor little Caleb started teething again on Thursday night, came down with a cold Friday afternoon and received his one-year-old shots Friday evening. Needless to say, throughout Friday night, his fever spiked to 104 and he just moaned the whole night. I felt so bad for him for all I could do was pump him with Tylenol, try to keep him as cool as possible without chilling him, and rock him while singing our special songs throughout the night. Thankfully, he was able to sleep through the night on Saturday and catch up on some well-needed rest. Once again though, he was up four times last night with his bad head-cold. I'm very thankful that with each day he is gradually improving, so we're hoping by Thanksgiving he'll be up to par! I'd have to say though, I truly have enjoyed all the cuddling time we've had lately! It reminds me that even though he's getting older, more independent, and has been completely weaned, he still looks to me for comfort...very cool!:-)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Awesome Husband!

You know you have an awesome husband when he assists you in straightening your hair on a Sunday morning before going to church.

Yes indeed, I have an awesome husband!:-)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Five Years...

I can't believe how time changes circumstances from one year to the next. It was five years ago today that, David (who's he?), called me and asked me out on our first date. We scheduled it for the following evening at 6:00PM, and we decided to go to Pizza Hut. Just thinking back to our first date makes me all "bubbly" inside! He was a sweetheart right from the start...opened doors for me, offered me his coat if I looked chilly, would rather hear about me and my life than talk about his own, etc. We definitely hit it off that night! I remember after dinner when he dropped me back off at home, I was all giddy and couldn't stop talking about him. I definitely was a "teenager in love"! That very night though, as a senior in high school, I never imagined just five years later we'd be where we are now...happily married for over two years; have an adorable one-year-old boy and anxiously awaiting the arrival of another baby; a cute, little house of our own... I could go on and on with all the blessings the Lord has given us, but I don't want to sound as if I'm boasting!

I'm so very thankful for the direction the Lord has taken me in my life. If it wasn't for that first date with David, I probably wouldn't know the Lord today. I became saved after attending Grace Covenant Church with David on December 31, 2002 at a New Year's Eve Dinner. Since then, I have given myself to the Lord to be used for his purpose and his alone. Even though I attended college and earned my degree as a Physical Therapist Assistant, He had an even greater plan for me and my life...He blessed me with children to love and care for, and for that I'm forever thankful!

You never know where the Lord will take you from year to year, but by being obedient and willing to let Him lead you according to His will, He will bless you abundantly in everything you do!

Thank you, Lord, for the husband You have chosen for me.
Thank you for the children You have blessed me with.
I'm forever thankful for Your love and sacrifice You have made on my behalf.
Thank you for cleansing me of my sins and changing me into the woman I am today.
I love You, Lord, and thank you for each day You have blessed me with.
I look forward to each new day You place before us, and I am excited to see what You'll do in our lives.
Lord, thank you for everything.