Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Secret Code

After dinner this evening, while David was playing with Caleb, I hopped on the computer for a little bit. All of a sudden, Caleb came crawling over to the computer chair, pulled himself up to a standing position, and began fussing, wanting me to pick him up. So I picked him up and he immediately bit my shoulder with his, yes, toothless gums, then looked up into my eyes. I figured either his gums were bothering since he's in the process of teething, I think or he wanted to nurse. He did this three times and the last time he just stared at me with puppy-dog eyes as if saying, "Mom, don't you know our secret code???" At that point, I knew that he wanted to nurse! Meanwhile, David is laughing hysterically as this was something that Caleb had never done before. It was pretty comical!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too cute! It never ceases to amaze me the things Caleb comes up with. It makes every time I see him exciting -- what will he do this time?