Monday, November 19, 2007


Over the weekend, I learned one of the most difficult aspects of parenting is trying to comfort your baby who has been hit with multiple whammies all at once. My poor little Caleb started teething again on Thursday night, came down with a cold Friday afternoon and received his one-year-old shots Friday evening. Needless to say, throughout Friday night, his fever spiked to 104 and he just moaned the whole night. I felt so bad for him for all I could do was pump him with Tylenol, try to keep him as cool as possible without chilling him, and rock him while singing our special songs throughout the night. Thankfully, he was able to sleep through the night on Saturday and catch up on some well-needed rest. Once again though, he was up four times last night with his bad head-cold. I'm very thankful that with each day he is gradually improving, so we're hoping by Thanksgiving he'll be up to par! I'd have to say though, I truly have enjoyed all the cuddling time we've had lately! It reminds me that even though he's getting older, more independent, and has been completely weaned, he still looks to me for comfort...very cool!:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh poor Caleb! And poor you! I have such a hard time getting up and going after being up several times during the night. But its only for a season, right? ;)

And thanks for the tip about the Turkey cookie cutters. I went today to get one, but they were already sold out of them.