Tuesday, November 27, 2007

20 Weeks and Counting! (with picture!)

I can't believe how fast this second pregnancy is flying by! I'm 20 weeks along today and it hardly seems possible! This is my most favorite part of being pregnant because now David can share in my positive pregnancy experiences rather than holding my hair as I'm vomiting over the toilet or bringing me in a cold wet washcloth for my forehead. (Yes, he's definitely a sweetheart!). For the past couple of weeks I've been feeling the baby move all over and just this past Saturday, David was even able to feel the movements as well. I have a feeling this new baby will be just as active as Caleb by how often I'm feeling movement. Between the two of them, I think I'll definitely have my hands full!

I'm feeling great at this point and diaper changes are even bearable now, which is a huge plus! The only thing is that I'm having terrible pregnancy cravings...chocolate and gummy peach rings! (No, not at the same time!) I love being able to eat just about anything, whereas in the beginning nothing seemed to settle very well in my tummy! Things are going really well and I'm very thankful and excited as we rapidly approach our newest little one's arrival!

Picture taken on 12/9/07- 21w5d

1 comment:

Heather Dowling said...

I can't believe you're 1/2 way there already! I'm so excited!
Maybe when things settle down a bit for us, we can all get together. Can't wait to see your pregnant pic!